Scott Romine
Host of Gwatney Unplugged
Scott Romine is a recent survivor (2018-2019) of both Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and a very rare and often lethal side effect of treatment called HLH-94. Scott is a local Arkansas celebrity who, while a Police Officer, created a CBS morning segment called “Operation Safe Speed”. The program continues to this day in its 19th year and was emulated in various CBS markets.
Scott appears weekly on the local FOX TV affiliate and hosts a weekly statewide radio talk show on KARN 102.9fm. Cancer topics and charities are often discussed on the show.
In a strange twist of fate in late 2018 - Scott appeared on a local ABC morning television show to present a $20,000 donation to the Arkansas Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and American Cancer Society. Scott had cancelled a doctor’s appointment to appear on the show that morning - an appointment that would have diagnosed him with Lymphoma. Scott had no idea he was actually suffering from the disease he was on television supporting.
Scott used his diagnosis in a positive way throughout treatment. During his initial treatment,
he was one of four nominees for the Arkansas Leukemia & Lymphoma Society “Man of the
Year”. He spoke at the event - and a video of his speech found an audience on Facebook with
approximately 5,000 views! https://www.facebook.com/scott.romine.94/videos/vb. 1066765905/10217267069443229/?type=3
Scott went on to speak at National Cancer Survivors Day and Arkansas Rotary meetings after claiming Runner Up as “Man of the Year”. After his 6th chemo treatment - his immune system was sent into attacking his healthy organs (HLH-94) - which prompted five rounds of a chemo called Etopicide. After two months in the hospital, Scott recovered and is in remission today.
Scott was the Master of Ceremonies for the 2019 “Light the Night” walk for the Arkansas Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - held at War Memorial Stadium just yards from the hospital that saved his life earlier this summer. The event raised $200,000 - and Scott has been selection as Chairperson of the event in 2020.
Bob Grissom of Gwatney Automotive Group is also a consulting producer of Gwatney Unplugged.
Scott Romine has hosted 107 Episodes.
Dylan Code with California Superbike School
July 3rd, 2024 | 43 mins 9 secs
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The California Superbike School is the oldest school of its kind formed in 1980.
Stuntman and Director Gil Combs
June 24th, 2024 | 50 mins 30 secs
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Gil Combs is one of Hollywood’s most accomplished stuntmen and a third generation stunt professional! His father was William Shatner’s stunt double and the GORN on the original Star Trek series. Gil has worked on numerous Hollywood blockbusters including Blade Runner, Tango & Cash. Predator 2, Robocop, Terminator 2 and more. He was the exclusive bus driver for the film SPEED.
Motorcycle Racer Cora Leonhardt
June 19th, 2024 | 37 mins 29 secs
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Cora Leonhardt is on her way to becoming the FIRST paralyzed motorcycle racer competing in MOTO AMERICA. She rides a highly modified motorcycle - complete with magnetic boots and handlebar mounted shifter. She talks about her racing career and the motorcycle accident that left her paralyzed - PLUS what she has done since to once again be competitive on two wheels!
Bill Barnes owner of Mountain Harbor
May 31st, 2024 | 23 mins 25 secs
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Learn the history of Mountain Harbor resort with Bill Barnes.
Douglas Tait is a Los Angeles based Actor/Director and one of only two people to portray both JASON and MICHAEL MYERS on-screen!
May 23rd, 2024 | 42 mins 10 secs
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Douglas Tait is an Actor/Director from Los Angeles with a career that includes JJ Abrams “Star Trek”, “Land of the Lost”, “The Mandolorian” and others, He is one of only two people to ever portray both Micheal Myers and Jason in two of the biggest horror franchises of all time.
Tony Salter talks Corvettes
May 22nd, 2024 | 26 mins 48 secs
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Tony Salter hosts his 3rd annual Sam Salter Corvettes on the Mountain show at the Museum of Automobiles
Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase
May 3rd, 2024 | 59 mins 18 secs
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Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase is one of the greatest heels in Professional Wrestling history and a member of several Wrestling Halls of Fame.
Episode 2025: Fire in the Hole!
April 25th, 2024 | 27 mins 40 secs
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Sawyer Nichols talks about the newest version of "Fire in the Hole" at Silver Dollar City.
2024 North Little Rock Airshow
April 25th, 2024 | 10 mins 50 secs
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David Repp talks about the upcoming NLR Airshow.
Golden Era of Wrestling with guest Shawn Maves
April 19th, 2024 | 38 mins 33 secs
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Shawn Maves joins host Scott Romine to talk about the glory days of professional wrestling.
Bates Leathers
April 2nd, 2024 | 16 mins 42 secs
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Dana Grindle of Bates Leathers talks about the iconic jackets they've made for Terminator 1-3.
Allan Graf
March 25th, 2024 | 45 mins 8 secs
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Allan Graf is a stuntman, stunt coordinator and second unit director working in Hollywood since the 1970s.
Mr.Bill's Village
March 21st, 2024 | 19 mins 13 secs
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Mr.Bill is a legally blind Wal-Mart employee that walks 5 miles to work each day - and was featured on the CBS Evening News.
The Grumpy Rabbit
March 21st, 2024 | 10 mins
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The Grumpy Rabbit is a very unique restaurant located in Lonoke, Arkansas.
Von Babasin talks Universal Studios 1976 - 1983
February 26th, 2024 | 45 mins 38 secs
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Von Babasin worked for Universal Studios from 1976 - 1983 on films including Airport '77, Jaws 2, Battlestar Galactica, Knight Rider and more.
Randall Shreve
February 2nd, 2024 | 22 mins 57 secs
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Randall Shreve is a talented musician that produces original music and performs an incredible tribute to Freddy Mercury.